On-Screen + In-Person? How Hybrid Telehealth Is Changing Serious Mental Health Care


Introduction Hybrid telehealth has revolutionized the delivery of mental health services, particularly since the COVID-19 pandemic. For adults with serious mental illness (SMI), telehealth provides an essential bridge to care, ensuring access during periods of facility closures and social distancing. However, the critical question remains: how can we balance hybrid telehealth and in-person services to […]

Introduction Hybrid telehealth has revolutionized the delivery of mental health services, particularly since the COVID-19 pandemic. For adults with serious mental illness (SMI), telehealth provides an essential bridge to care, ensuring access during periods of facility closures and social distancing. However, the critical question remains: how can we balance hybrid telehealth and in-person services to […]

Link to Original Post - Telehealth.org

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