» CTiBS Early Career Telehealth and Technology Grant Co-Recipients – CTiBS


June 19, 2023 CTiBS Early Career Telehealth and Technology Grant Co-Recipients CTiBS proudly awarded the first annual CTiBS Early Career Telehealth and Technology Grant to two deserving early career professionals. Congratulations to Brittany J. Bice-Urbach, PhD and Brittany G. Suggs, PhD, MPH, LPC. Please see more details below regarding their early career efforts in advancing…

June 19, 2023

CTiBS Early Career Telehealth and Technology Grant Co-Recipients

CTiBS proudly awarded the first annual CTiBS Early Career Telehealth and Technology Grant to two deserving early career professionals. Congratulations to Brittany J. Bice-Urbach, PhD and Brittany G. Suggs, PhD, MPH, LPC. Please see more details below regarding their early career efforts in advancing competent telebehavioral health practices.

Brittany J. Bice-Urbach, PhD


Brittany Bice-Urbach, PhD is an Assistant Professor at the Medical College of Wisconsin and Pediatric Psychologist at the Child Development Center of Children’s Wisconsin.  Her primary clinical caseload involves psychoeducational assessments and therapy for children with various developmental, academic, attention, and social-emotional concerns.  She graduated with her doctorate in Educational Psychology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.  Specific interests include the assessment and treatment of children with Selective Mutism and the promotion of competent telebehavioral health practice. 

Dr. Bice-Urbach has developed programming for children with Selective Mutism at Children’s Wisconsin, including incorporating various technologies to enhance treatment and support.  She is a board member of the Selective Mutism Association and has completed various national speaking events on this topic.

Her dissertation, which focused on providing teleconsultation services within rural schools for children with behavioral concerns, was awarded the Ron Edwards Dissertation Award by the National Association of School Psychologists Behavioral School Psychology Interest Group.  A paper based on this study was also awarded the runner-up prize for most influential paper of the year by the Journal of School Psychology.  Dr. Bice-Urbach has continued to emphasize telebehavioral health services in her career, writing book chapters and ongoing journal articles on the topic.  Most recently, she was highly involved with training all mental and behavioral health staff at Children’s Wisconsin for the rapid transition to telebehavioral health services…

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